Commissions by Lilimoon


Hey there! Thanks so much for your interest in buying a commission from me! I'm super flattered!Anyway, please read through the information here and when you're ready fill out the order form! If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line via DMs on any of my social media.I look forward to working with you!-Lili

Last Updated 07.15.2024

Order Form

Form closed.

Order Form

Please fill out the form below to receive a quote for a commissioned art piece by me!

Please note by filling out and submitting this form you confirm that you have read and agree to my terms and conditions outlined on this page and are 18 or over.

© Lilimoon. All rights reserved.

Thank You!

Thank you! I will get to you shortly :)- Lilimoon


B&W SketchSingle CharacterAdditional Characters
Half Body$25+$15
Full Body$45+$25
ColoredSingle CharacterAdditional Characters
Half Body$50+$35
Full Body$80+$40

All prices in $USD. Payment by Paypal only.BGs will require a quote. Max. 4 characters per image. These are base prices, additional fee may apply based on complexity of request.SFW, NSFW, OCs, pretty much any ship/fandom OK!!


Here are some examples of my work! :D NSFW examples have been censored and/or cropped for obvious reasons.

B&W Sketch Examples

Colored Examples


All prices are in $USD. Payment by Paypal invoice only. Full payment or 50% deposit required to be added to queue.Max. 3 characters per image. Simple background included in price. Other BGs will require quote. Additional fee may apply based on complexity.SFW, NSFW, OCs, pretty much any ship/fandom OK!!

Prices listed here are for personal use commissions only. Artwork intended for commercial use will require a quote, please contact me to discuss further.


Base Price: $30 USD

Additional Characters +100% of original price


Base Price: $50 USD

Additional Characters +$30 USD

Half Body

Base Price: $75 USD

Additional Characters +$45 USD
Waist up or Thigh up

Full Body

Base Price: $100 USD

Additional Characters +$60 USD

For examples of my NSFW artwork please visit my alt. twitter account. (By doing so you acknowledge that you are 18+)

Will Draw

Things I will happily draw include but are not limited to:

  • SFW

  • NSFW

  • BT$ fan art

  • Z3lda fan art

  • pretty much any fandom, especially ones I am familiar with

  • any ship

  • furries

  • hybrids

  • Omegaverse

  • mpreg

  • OCs (Note: I will not design one for you. Please submit references for completed design when requesting art of your OC)

Won't Draw

Reasons I may decline a commission include but are not limited to:

  • Other kpop groups

  • mecha

  • gore

  • scat

  • watersports/urination/urine drinking

  • rape/non-con

  • ped0philia/NSFW of underage persons or characters

  • age play

  • bestiality

  • Anything else I deem offensive/hateful/illegal

Other themes not mentioned will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may be subject to additional fees based on complexity.

Terms & Conditions

This Terms of Service constitutes a binding legal contract that protects both client and artist.
The Artist may not be available to answer messages on holidays, scheduled days off work, or emergencies. If you do not receive a reply within 7 days, I encourage you to resend your message. Occasionally client messages are lost in the shuffle or accidentally deleted.The Client must read, understand and agree to all the terms in this document before entering into an agreement with the Artist. By submitting a commission order form and/or payment, the Client agrees to the terms.In addition; you shall be subject to any posted guidelines or rules applicable to the Artist's services, which may be posted and modified at any time. All guidelines or rules are hereby incorporated into the Terms of Service.Age Restrictions
The Client agrees that they are 18+ at the time of ordering. No persons under the age of 18 may purchase the Artist's services, even with parents/guardians permission.
Declined & Cancelled Commissions
The artist reserves the right to refuse, decline, or cancel a commission for any reason. Reasons may include but are not limited to:

  • The artwork being asked to contain anything listed as prohibited in the Artist's list of prohibited content.

  • The artwork is asked to contain something the Artist feels uncomfortable creating.

  • The Artist feels they will not be able to complete the Artwork to the standard it deserves.

  • The Client has sent their order request during a time when the Artist is not advertised as taking on more work.

  • The Artist feels unable to finish the Artwork within any time limit the Client may have imposed.

  • The Artist suspects that the Client has not read the Terms of Service.

  • The Artist suspects that the Client is under 18. Even if the Client has permission from a parent or guardian.

  • Poor, rude, or inappropriate communication or behavior from the Client.

  • Inability to communicate in clear/effective English or Spanish.

Payments will only be accepted via Paypal invoice and will be sent in $ US Dollars. No other currencies are accepted at this time.
All payments must be made within 7 days of invoice, unless a different time has been agreed to prior. Should payment not be made within the stated time, the commission will be cancelled.All invoices must be paid in full up front OR a 50% deposit paid before any work will start. Once full payment or deposit is received and cleared, the Clients commission will be added to the Artist's work queue. Completed artwork will not be released until balance is paid in full.Any payments, excluding payments intended as tips or donations, that are sent outside of invoices without the Artist's prior approval will be refunded.Privacy Policy
All private information and data provided in the Artist's commission order form as well as any and all emails exchanged during the process of commissioning the Artist will be retained for 3 years after the commission's completion in case of any legal issues that may arise.
The Client's personal information and data will never be sold or shared.All commission orders will ask for:

  • The Client's legal name for any legal issues that may arise.

  • The Client's email address for contact purposes.

  • The Client's paypal email address for payment purposes.

Clear and concise visual references and/or description of a commission idea must be provided by the Client at the time of commissioning.
Communications about commissions between the client and Artist will take place by email through or Discord direct messages for the purpose of record-keeping and consolidation.The Artist will not discuss commissions with a Client using an any other instant messenger or public forum.The only instance where the Artist will contact the Client via alternative means will be if the Client does not respond to messages and the Artist will only ask the Client to check their messages.The Artist will ensure the Client will receive updates on their commission when necessary. Clients are encouraged to check in when they feel it's necessary for updates, assurance, reminders, or with questions.If no contact can be established via email or alternative contact methods, the Artist will cancel the Client's commission and refund the payment in line with the Artist's refund policy.Clients must make sure to check their emails and/or direct messages regularly during the commission process.All commission related communication must be kept professional. This will ensure that nothing will be misunderstood in the process of the Client's commission being completed.The Client should not disclose personal situations such as their sex life, past trauma, etc.The Client must not make inappropriate or sexual comments toward or about the Artist.The Client should refrain from using 'roleplay' like speech, talking in a purposefully child-like manner. For example things such as; hewwo, nya, nibbles, nuzzles, ect.The Client must refrain from using 'petnames' to refer to the Artist. For example calling the Artist babe, love, honey, mister squishie, etc.Alterations & Revisions
The Client will be sent the sketch for approval before work is continued. Any and all alterations to the artwork (with the exception of minor changes) MUST be made at the sketch approval stage. If the Client does not like what has been drawn, they are entitled to one complete redraw of the sketch from scratch and must provide additional details of what they would prefer if this is the case. Reference images, even if they're stick figures to show a pose, are very helpful to the Artist.
Once linework has been started no changes to the pose or details may be requested. If the Client absolutely MUST have something changed at this stage they will be asked to pay an extra fee depending on the complexity of the alterations requested.Minor colour related changes (such as changing the colour of a marking or tattoo) are usually able to be made after the commission has been completed. These are the only free changes allowed once the commission is complete unless the alterations affect a significant portion of the artwork.If the Client notices minor mistakes with the commission, the Artist is happy to correct this for free. If it's a substantial change the Client will be asked for a fee depending on the complexity of the change they want. This covers the time taken to make the changes.The Artist will not make alterations to commissions that are more than 6 months old.The Artist will not make alterations or additions to work made by other people.Image Rights and Distribution
The Artist retains all rights to the finished works, or any artwork created during the process of completing your commission. The Client may not sell, redistribute, or reproduce the artwork in any way without prior permission.
The artist, as the copyright holder, is permitted to:- Display the artwork online where the Artist chooses, without permission from the Client. Except in cases where it has been previously arranged to keep the artwork private.
- Include the artwork in collections of work for sale without permission from the Client.
- Use the artwork in personal portfolios, without permission from the Client.
- Recycle or reuse any sketches or prepatory works that were rejected by the Client for other commissions or personal works.
The Client, is permitted to:- Share the finished commission publicly online, including using the artwork in layouts or profile pictures, with credit provided to the Artist wherever possible via a link back to
- The high resolution version of the finished commission may be used for printing for the Client's private collection.
- Use the commissioned artwork on any personal item.
- Produce items featuring the artwork to give as gifts or for free.
The Client is not permitted to:- Sell or profit from the artwork in any way without prior permission. This includes selling prints, merchandise, books, etc, featuring the artwork.
- Use the artwork to promote or advertise anything that will make the Client money without prior permission.
- Alter the artwork in any way outside of cropping or adding text.
- Remove the Artist's credit watermark from the image.
- Keep or use any sketches or preparatory works that were rejected by the Client during the process of commissioning.
The Client should privately privately discuss refunds with the Artist prior to one being given. Chargeback of funds via Paypal will result in any rights to any content created being forfeited.
The Artist retains the right to cancel a commission and give a full or partial refund at any time for any reason. Full refunds will only be given in cases where work has not been started. Otherwise a partial refund will be given depending on the amount of work that has already been completed.Refunds (full or partial) will only be given if:- The Client requests a full refund after 1 month of waiting for work on their commission to be started and no progress has been made. (With the exception of there being 5 or more other commissions in front of theirs in the Artist's work queue.)
- In the case the Client is genuinely unhappy with their commission and provides specific reasons why, a partial refund will be given, or the work re-done.
- The Artist cannot start/complete the commission for any reason, whether it be personal problems, lack of skill, or a difficult or rude Client. A full refund will be given if work has not started. A partial refund will be given if work has started.
A partial, 50% refund will be given if, at any point, you cancel your commission if work has not started work on it.Private Commissions & Livestreams
If the Client wishes a commission to remain private, and to not be posted online, they must indicate so on the commission order form.
Choosing this option will incur a private commission fee to compensate for potential lost sales as posting completed commissions is a large form of advertisement for the Artist's services. This fee is non-negotiable and non-refundable.If at any time the Client shares the work publicly, the Artist hereby retains the right to do the same, regardless of the Client having requested it be private.The Artist does not always livestream as they work, however they may do so in some cases. If the Client does not want their commission livestreamed, please indicate so on the order form. This option does not incur a fee.If the Client would like their commission to be posted after a certain date, please communicate this to the Artist.Breach of Contract
Any breaching of the terms herein will result in the cancellation of the Client's commission and forfeits any and all rights to:
- A refund regardless of how complete the commission is.
- Any content created for the Client.
Unfinished or Finished commissions from clients who have breached the Terms of Service may be re-used in any way the Artist sees fit once character specific details have been removed.Should a previous Client who has breached the Terms of Service post the artwork online, the Artist will request a DMCA takedown from the the website the art has been posted to.Chargeback of funds via Paypal constitutes a breach of contract.


Please review all of the information on this site, especially the Terms of Service, as it contains a lot of important information.Anyhoo, to secure a slot please send me an inquiry via my Order Form linked at the top of this site.Commissions will not be accepted on a first come first served basis. After enough inquiries are received, I will review them and contact the clients selected for the current round of commissions.After reviewing and accepting your request I will send you an invoice for the cost of the commission. You will have up to seven (7) days from the date the invoice was sent in order to complete your payment. Payment must be paid in full and up front or 50% deposit paid before I can add you to my queue. Remaining balance must be paid upon completion of the artwork.Please understand that depending on the amount of people ahead of you in the queue and the complexity of their commissions it may take me several weeks to get to yours.Workflow Outline
1. Rough Sketch
2. Final Sketch
3. Flat Colors
4. Shading
5. Final Details
Major changes to the artwork must be requested by the Final Sketch stage. If the sketch is not what you envisioned I can redraw it once for free, please be specific and provide references. After the redraw if major changes are still requested they will require an additional fee.Once Final Sketch is approved no further changes can be made to the artwork.Only minor changes such as color adjustments, small details, etc, will be permitted for the remainder of the commission process.Once the work is completed I'll send you two copies of the finished work: one in high resolution (300 dpi) and without my watermark, and one in low resolution with my watermark for if you’d like to share on social media, etc.Please note I reserve the right to post the finished work on my patreon and social media accounts as I see fit. If you’d like to remain anonymous please specify on the order form.If all that sounds good, drop me a line! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Ideas & Prompts

Not sure what to commission? Here are some ideas/concepts/prompts I would be more than happy to draw! Feel free to use these as starting points ;)

  • WolfJin x BunKoo

  • WolfJin x Red Riding Koo

  • Yoonji x SJ x JK (any combination or all three)

  • Prof!SJ x Student!JK

  • Mpreg!Koo

  • R0x4nne Wolf or Ch1ca

  • L1nk and M1pha

  • Illustrations for fics/aus